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Progress OpenEdge 32bit -Error -1012 when connecting to 64-bit Oracle database May 22, 2014

Error Message:

ORACLE error -1012 see “ORACLE Error Messages and Codes Manual”. (1252) 
Unable to load shared library. (14945)


Since Progress/OpenEdge is 32-bit, the 64-bit OCIW32.DLL/OCI.DLL cannot be loaded.

The Oracle 64-bit RDBMS installation is shipped with a 64-bit version of the Oracle Client Interface (OCI) libraries.
The 32-bit version of these libraries are not shipped with this release of Oracle.


Install a 32-bit version of the Oracle client libraries.

The 32-bit ORACLE client directory, which contains the 32-bit OCIW32.DLL/OCI.DLL files, will be specified before the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin directory, where the 64-bit OCIW32.DLL and OCI.DLL are located, in the PATH environment variable.

The ORACLE_HOME environment variable needs also to be added and should point to the 64-bit Oracle installation (for example: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1).


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