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Somethings about Lizardfs January 29, 2020

Hi there, I’m back from the Tet holiday (Lunar New year in Asia) and nice to write something about Lizardfs, which the best distributed software storage at this time.
My name is Nhan Pham T., live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where is UTC + 07:00. I’m a dad, a blogger and a dreamer 🙂
I speak Vietnamese and English, and use Python, Bash, and some PHP for daily task or small pet projects.
I started my professional working as a Python developer and spend more than 6 years for using Linux and opensource software. At fact, I haven’t a personal laptop or macbook. I started research for a distributed file system/ storage when I tried to learn Docker in early 2013. I builded a small lab with Ceph and use it for container. After years, I used Lizardfs for our projects in the my company, which is a biggest Vietnamese technology company, founded in 2004, specializing in digital content and online entertainment, social networking, and e-commerce.
LizardFS was chosen as our solution as it’s flexible, efficient and easy to setup. We have been using it since 04/2019 as the distributed file system within our product. Before that, we used physical disk for all storage with RAID 5, 6 for file and objects, We tried GlusterFS, Ceph and some solution from HP or Dell in lab or development.
Lizardfs have URAFT for High Metadata Availability, something like MooseFS Pro, but it’s opensource.
Lizardfs is easy to learn but it’s document is not up-to-date, and alot for issues of this project in github are open and seem to not close or fix.
Distributed file system is really a nightmare with the system engineer like me. Alot of issue and some incident.
I think multithreading is must be implement it next relase ( and a webmin to administration (
and reduce memory usage of master server. In my case, I have 256GB RAM for the cluster but I don’t think it enough to lead many chunkservers to exabyte :d
==)) Stupid english but this is first time I write an article in 2020, have fun!!!

Categories: Linh tinh

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