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[QAD error] Unable to get value of the property 'getAttribute': object is null November 10, 2014


Gặp lỗi này ghi mở Process Map Editor:
Unable to get value of the property ‘getAttribute’: object is null or undefined in Process Maps.
Process Maps give script error   Unable to get value of the property ‘getAttribute’: Object is null or undefined.
😐 lại nợ 1 tấm hình ở đây @@


QAD SVG plugin chưa được cài đặt, và không tìm thấy ở HomeServer, có thể lúc cài đặt Client, phần mềm diệt virus ngăn cản không cho cài plugin.

Download lại SVGView.exe và cài đặt lại theo link:

Cài lại SVG Plugin, hoặc cài lại luôn QAD .net UI clien, hoặc cài Adobe SVG viewer: Link 

Nguyên nhân:

SVG viewer chưa được cài đặt khi cài QAD .NUI
.NET 2.9.4, 2.9.6
QAD SE 2013

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How to Setup E-Mail Definition Maintenance in QAD .Net UI with Unix/Linux Servers June 27, 2014

Part 1: Go to E-Mail Definition Maintenance (36.4.20, mgemmt.p)


  1. E-Mail Definition – choose a value, such as a group, user name, etc.
  2. Operating System – UNIX (Windows Server require a different set up).
  3. Start Effective – 01/01/00, leave End Effective blank.  (this can be set to date(s) desired)
  4. Hit Next.
  5. Description – choose a description for this e-mail definition.
  6. Path and Program Name – enter the path to the e-mail program (in this example we are using mailx, using which in Linux we can determine the patch to the mailx executable as /bin/mailx).
  7. Command Line Parameters – this is used to format the output sequence to the mail program being used, see screenshot below for settings using Linux mailx.
  8. Start Effective – 01/01/00, leave End Effective blank. (again, this can be set to date(s) desired).
  9. E-Mail Command – this line is automatically formatted based on the Command Line Parameters, this can be used to verify the syntax of the e-mail sequence is correct.
  10. Click Next, a prompt will appear “Send Test E-Mail Message Now?”, click NO

Part 2: Go to User Maintenance (36.3.1, mgurmt.p), and open a desired user.


  1. Add a valid definition to E-Mail Def (in this example it is simply called email).
  2. Enter a valid e-mail address for the user in E-Mail Address.


Part 3: Go to Printer Setup Maintenance (36.13.2, mgmgmt05.p), now a record needs to be created for the e-mail system.


  1. Set Output To to ‘Email’.
  2. Destination Type, click the look up and select ‘Email’.
  3. Finish creating the record with all other fields to defaults (blank).





Part 4: Go to E-Mail Definition Maintenance (36.4.20, mgemmt.p).


  1. Bring up the setup defined in Step 1.
  2. Click Next, a prompt will appear “Send Test E-Mail Message Now?”, click YES.
  3. This will generate a test e-mail to the recipient(s) defined with the e-mail addresses that were defined in the above steps.


QAD 2011 SE

QAD .Net UI 2.9.4

Progress OpenEdge 10.2B05

Red Hat Linux




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